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Facial Rejuvenation

Facial rejuvenation surgery is performed to restore the sagging cheeks, jowls and neck to a more youthful position. Although the basic premise has not changed over the last decade, how the operation is performed has changed dramatically. The modern facelift is safe, less invasive, takes a more customized approach and accomplishes more through smaller incisions. Typically, within two weeks you will be able to return to normal activities. Most facelift surgeries fall into one of these two categories:
Traditional Facelift: This procedure is performed for someone with moderate to severe aging changes of the cheeks, jowls and neck. The deep soft tissues of the face are returned to a more youthful position and then the skin of the face and neck are redraped (not pulled) over these tissues. This will leave you with a fresh, rejuvenated appearance.
Mini-Lift: This procedure is performed for someone with early to moderate aging of the cheeks, jowls and neck. With this procedure, the deep soft tissues require less extensive modification and, therefore, the incisions are shorter, allowing for a quicker procedure time and quicker recovery.
Remember, however, that the length of time it takes to perform the procedure is NOT as important as the quality and longevity of the results.

Eyelid Rejuvenation

Have people said you look tired or sad, though you feel fine? This may simply be a response to eyelid aging, an area of the body that often ages more quickly than the face, and even the neck. Aging upper eyelids can take on that heavy, tired appearance you may be familiar with. Eyelid rejuvenation — also known as “blepharoplasty” — can treat eyelid aging, by carefully removing the excess skin and bags around the upper and lower eyelids to create a more youthful and refreshed appearance for you.

To treat upper eyelids, a small incision is made along the natural crease of the upper eyelid, and any extra skin and bulges are removed.

Treating lower eyelids can be done in one of two ways. In some cases, lower eyelid bags can be removed from the inside of the lower eyelid, avoiding an external scar. In others, an incision, just below the eyelashes, is needed to remove the excess skin and “fat bags.”

Eyelid rejuvenation surgery is safe, and conservatism and precision are key to create that safe, happy and natural-looking result. If eyebrow descent contributes to drooping of the upper eyelid it may be wise to perform a forehead lift simultaneously.


Forehead Lift

A forehead lift or “brow lift” is designed to treat the lines of the forehead, droopy eyebrows and the heavy upper eyelids that may give your face a “tired, angry or sad” look.

By gently and subtly elevating the brow, weight is taken off of the upper eyelid, and the eyes are “opened” for a natural, refreshed look. If excess upper eyelid skin and bags are contributing along with the forehead to that tired look, eyelid rejuvenation may be performed at the same time. A forehead lift is often recommended in conjunction with eyelid and facelift procedures to provide facial balance and consistency.



Many men and women request that just their neck be restored to a more youthful form. Often their neck has prematurely aged relative to their face. An isolated neck lift is certainly possible. This short outpatient procedure is performed in our surgery center under local anesthesia with IV sedation. There is typically an incision that begins at the earlobe that travels behind the ear for a short distance. Occasionally a small incision is also utilized in the natural crease just below the chin. Downtime varies, but typically is one week or less.

Nose Surgery

Cosmetic surgery of the nose, referred to as “rhinoplasty,” is designed to treat a nose that does not fit the rest of your facial features.

Rhinoplasty can improve a nose that is too large for your face, one that has a bump or depression on its bridge, or correct a nose that is too wide. It can reduce a too-thick tip, treat a droopy tip and straighten a crooked nose. To improve breathing, it can widen nasal passages or correct a deviated septum.

How the surgery is performed depends entirely on the type of improvement necessary. Some procedures can be performed from within the nose, meaning there would be no external incisions, some involve making a small incision across the vertical strip of tissue that separates the nostrils, called the “columella.” And some, particularly in the case of nostril reduction, can require a small incision at the base of each nostril.

A small percentage of patients with a large nose will also have a weak chin. Chin implant placement at the same time as your nose reshaping might be suggested to provide better facial balance and aesthetics.


Chin Augmentation

Looking to create a stronger chin and a more balanced profile? Chin augmentation may be the right solution for you.

To subtly enlarge a recessed chin, a small incision is made either through the mouth or through the natural crease under the chin. An implant is then inserted over the chin through the incision. This can be done as a standalone procedure, or in conjunction with other procedures.

There are a number of procedures that are commonly performed in combination with chin augmentation. A chin that is relatively weak may accompany a nose that is too large. In this case, overall profile and facial balance can be easily improved by reducing the size of the nose, while adding a chin implant. The displeasing combination of a weak chin and fatty neck can be converted to a more pleasing profile by placing a chin implant at the time of neck liposuction. Likewise, a chin implant may be recommended in conjunction with a facelift to enhance overall jawline and neck rejuvenation.

Chin augmentation can be performed quickly, with little bruising, and a rapid recovery.


Ear Surgery

The congenital protruding ear is a source of great concern to the young person as well as the adult who has lived with his or her condition their entire life. Ear surgery, or “otoplasty,” is designed to make the ear lie closer to the head.

The procedure involves a small incision on the backside of the ear and then the cartilage is carefully and precisely reshaped to restore or construct the natural folds of the ear.