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Fillers vs Fat vs Implant to Chin

Arecessed chin is a very common issue for patients. It can affect the profile, the appearance of the nose, and the appearance of the neck. Simply, correcting the recessed chin can have a very beneficial effect on the overall appearance. It can sometimes make a larger nose appear smaller, a neck appear more youthful, and of course makes the chin look better. All of these combined to give a more pleasing appearance.

The standard approach for correcting a recessed chin has always been a chin implant, which is a simple, safe, and highly effective option. However, now we have options that may be more simple and quite effective that don’t involve surgery, per se.

New Treatment: Voluma

The first is Voluma, which has recently been approved by the FDA for an injection into the skin. Voluma is a safe injectable filler we have been using for many years on other parts of the face. It lasts anywhere from 1-2 years and also happens to be reversible if a patient is not satisfied.

Injectable Treatment Alternative

Another injectable would be the patient’s own fat. This can be harvested easily through a small needle opening and fat then processed and injected through a small needle opening for a very nice result, using the patient’s own tissue. Fat provides a more permanent solution when compared to Voluma.

Now we have many options for the recessed chin, which happens to be a very common concern among patients.